Release of 3D City Database v5: Milestone in Urban Digital Twins and BIM-GIS Integration
Best scientific press release of the year from TUM ED
Temples of Culture - How Cultural Buildings Enhance Cities
TUM among the top 20 worldwide in engineering
TUM Open Campus Garching
Fierce & Fearless - Women of TUM across Industry, Innovation & Science
Space Day Ottobrunn
TUM Science Hackathon
TUM Science Hackathon
TUM Science Hackathon
Young academics will find the best prospects for research and careers with us, whether it be a doctorate, junior fellowship, tenure-track professorship, habilitation or honorary professorship. more
Projects and Portraits
We are working to construct for the future, make mobility sustainable and improve production processes. more
The TUM School of Engineering and Design consolidates its expertise in eight departments. more
Contextual Competences
Whether scientific work, teamwork in projects or soft skills for studies and career: key competencies are in demand in all walks of life. The ZSK provides trainings that promote initiative, communication skills and the ability to work in a team. more
The Technical University of Munich regularly occupies the top positions in national and international university rankings. The study subjects and research facilities are popular and offer globally recognized quality and expertise. more