Prof. Dr. Christian Stemmer inspired the approximately 30 participants with his dedicated keynote speech, giving an overview of the existing offers at TUM. He presented the "National Research Data Infrastructure" (NFDI) association with a focus on the "NFDI4Ing" consortium, in which he is actively involved. Among other things, he explained the FAIR principles, according to which data should be findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable in order to operate a sustainable RDM.1
At ED, Prof. Christian Stemmer (DORIS), Prof. Birgit Vogel-Heuser and PhD student Ms. Fan Ji (FRANK; Ontologies in Engineering) were identified as contact persons for the archetypes of NFDI4Ing. Thankfully, Prof. Martin Werner gave message that he can act as a contact person for the NFDI4Earth consortium.
In a survey as well as in the subsequent discussion, it became clear that there is a great need for further information – especially with regard to suitable tools and software. An integration of the topic in the training of doctoral students as well as additional information and networking events are planned.
1 Additional information: Open Call for Submissions of the ing.grid journal addressing FAIR data management