On 7th December 2022, for the first time PhD students from four different departments of ED met on the initiative of Vice Dean Prof. Dr. Birgit Vogel-Heuser and Prof. Dr. Katrin Wudy. They are all conducting research on digital process twins. The workshop was meant to initiate networking among the young scientists as well as further cooperation. Twelve participants presented their current research in Elevator Pitches. The topics ranged from industrial processes in factories to ergonomic human models or digital data acquisition on construction sites.
In the subsequent discussions it became clear how inspiring an interdisciplinary exchange can be – as every discipline brings in its own aspects of the specific topic. In addition, the participants identified synergies with the topics "Simulation" and "Research Data Management". In the next step, the research topics will be classified according to around ten criteria in order to systematize possible similarities and differences. Interested PhD students can contact Dr. Birgit Vierling (birgit.vierling(at)tum.de) by mid of January 2023 if they wish to join. A joint review paper is planned as a follow-up activity.